Looking for a Fantastic Critique Service?: Picture Book Critiques from Danielle Davis

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Have you written a picture book story? Are you looking for a professional critique of your manuscript? Have you considered a critique service, but were reluctant to give it a try?

If you answered “yes” to the three questions above, then you’ve come to the right post. I have also hesitated to send my work to a critique service: What if I don’t agree with what they say? What if they think my story is awful? It costs money.

What you need is a person you can trust to offer suggestions based on her expertise in the picture book market, in a nonjudgmental, positive, and gentle way, and is worth every penny. You need Danielle Davis. 

I recently had a critique done by Danielle. I was more than pleased with her very comprehensive and detailed review of my latest picture book story, Cloud, The Monastery Dog. Not only did she go through my manuscript line by line, leaving comments and suggestions, she also wrote a personal letter with more feedback and advice.

I chose Danielle’s service because (and I hope she doesn’t mind me quoting her) she says, “It’s not about my style or preferences at all—it’s about making the work sing!” I really appreciate that and I would definitely use Danielle Davis’ Picture Book Critique service again.

4 thoughts on “Looking for a Fantastic Critique Service?: Picture Book Critiques from Danielle Davis

  1. Thanks for posting. When you say Danielle went through it “line by line,” did she line edit it? To me that’s invaluable. Mind if I ask, how much she charged and what her turnaround time was on ms?


    • Hi, Robin, If by line editing you mean grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc., she did do some of that, but I have always been fairly good at doing that myself and don’t believe my manuscript required much. I suggest contacting her; she’s more than happy to answer any questions. The charge is $50/hour but generally does not exceed $150 for a picture book. She had it back to me in less than a week.


      • No, I don’t mean that. I mean really editing the pb, like changing a word b/c it’s not pb language, the rhythm is off, cutting, etc. Thanks so much for the info. Will keep it handy in case I need help. 🙂


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